The genetic community is invited to comment on documents issued by ESHG committees (notably the Public and Professional Policy Committee - PPPC).
After incorporation of comments received within a defined period, the documents will be sent to the ESHG Board for approval and eventually issued as ESHG recommendations.
Expanded Carrier Screening - ESHG Survey in collaboration with the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology ESHRE
Expanded carrier screening (ECS) is currently applied in some European fertility clinics and gamete banks, and others are considering such a screening offer.
ESHG and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) have set up a collaboration aiming to develop good practice recommendations for ECS, which should support clinics in deciding whether or not to implement ECS and guide the ECS application with regards to informing patients and/or donors, selecting tests and guiding clinical management.
As a first step in this project, ESHG and ESHRE have set out to map the current practice of ECS for couples/individuals seeking fertility care or gamete donors and document the attitudes of professionals towards ECS. The aim is to identify areas for which improvement or guidance from professional societies is highly relevant.
Please complete our questionnaire (, whether you offer ECS at your center or not! It should take you no longer than 15 minutes. Your input will be a very important resource for our project.