The European Society
of Human Genetics

Human Genetics' Coming Home

Human Genetics' Coming Home

On behalf of ESHG and ESHGy, many ESHG/European speakers at ICHG offer at least 5 virtual 1h lectures each to any African institution for genetic education/research. Find below the list of speakers:

List of Speakers

Name Institute Contact Topics
Dr. Stefan Barakat Departement Of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam  t.barakat(at)  Noncoding genome, gene regulation, functional genomics, neurodevelopmental disorders, disease modelling, pluripotent stem cells, zebrafish
Sir John Burn Newcastle University Translational and Clinical research Institute donna.job(at)  Cancer Genetics
Prof. David Curtis MD PhD UCL Genetics Institute, University College London d.curtis(at)  Human genetics, psychiatric genetics especially schizophrenia genetics and analysis of sequence data in large case-control and biobank datasets
Dr. Sofia Douzgou Houge Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway sofia.douzgou.houge(at)  What patients and families taught me: Clinical and Genomic Dysmorphology
Dr. Yvonne (Maria) Hoedemaekers Radboud university medical center yvonne.hoedemaekers(at)  cardiogenetics (cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, dyslipidemia)
Prof. Alexander Hoischen Radboudumc, Radboud university medical center alexander.hoischen(at)  Genomic technologies (long-read sequencing, optical genome mapping, exome sequencing); rare disease research; inborn errors of immunity
Dr. Peter Krawitz Institute for Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics, Bonn, Germany pkrawitz(at)  AI-assisted dysmorphology with GestaltMatcher
Prof. Tjitske Kleefstra ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands t.kleefstra(at)  Genetic neurodevelopmental disorders/syndromes
Prof. Dr. Michael Nothnagel University of Cologne mnothnag(at)  Genetic epidemiology, human population genetics, forensic genetics
Dr. Gudrun A. Rappold Institute of Human Genetics, University of Heidelberg gudrun.rappold(at)  Psychiatric genetics, cardiogenetics. Transcription factors; short and tall stature, pigment disorders (albinism)
Prof. Alexandre Reymond Center for Integrative Genomics University of Lausanne alexandre.reymond(at)  CNVs, gene regulation, genomics, intellectual disability
Dr. Sonia Van Dooren Vrije University Brussel sonia.vandooren(at)  Cardiogenetics
Dr. Miikka Vikkula De Duve Institute, University of Louvain Miikka.vikkula(at)  Genetic findings and pathophysiology of vascular anomalies, lymphedema, and cleft lip and palate
Dr. Anja Wagner Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, University Medical Center Rotterdam a.wagner(at)  Lynch syndrome and Polyposis syndromes, oncogenetic subjects including moleculair tumor testing
Dr. Laura Wiseman Harris European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, UK ljwh(at) Preparation and submission of GWAS summary statistics,  general use of the GWAS Catalog for research
Prof. Alexandra Zhernakova, MD, PhD University of Groningen sasha.zhernakova(at)  Microbiome


If you are from an African Institution and would be interested in getting access to the recorded presentation of the ESHG Clinical Genomics and NGS Course at Bertinoro please contact