The European Society
of Human Genetics

Monday, June 14

Monday, June 14, 2010

Full affiliations are available in the ESHG Programme Planner

08.45 - 10.15

Plenary Session PL3: Human Language - Lessons from FOXP2

PL3.1 Neurogenetic pathways regulated by FOXP2, a gene implicated in speech and language
Simon Fisher, Oxford, United Kingdom

PL3.2 Mice, chimpanzees and the molecular basis of speech
Wolfgang Enard, Dresden, Germany

PL3.3 Evolution of Human Language
W. Tecumseh Fitch, St. Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom

10.15 - 10.45

Coffee Break, Free Poster Viewing, Exhibition


10.45 - 12.15

Educational Session ES6. The Face Behind the Syndrome

Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach, Germany

Fragile X Diagnosis

Abbott Molecular Satellite

Insights in human disease and systems biology enabled by latest microarrays and next-generation sequencing developments

Agilent Technologies Satellite

11.15 - 12.15

Poster Viewing with Authors (Even poster numbers)

12.15 - 13.15Lunch, Free Poster Viewing, Exhibition


Concurrent Sessions C06 - C11

C06. Reproductive Genetics
C07. Cancer Genetics
C08. Clinic & Genetics of Skeletal Disorders
C09. Mouse Genetics and Therapy
C10. Statistical / Genetic Epidemiology
C11. Genetic Research, Biobanking and Public Policy (joint session with EMPAG)

See Session Details



15.00 - 16.30

Workshops W07 - W12

WS7. Dysmorphology Workshop 2 (D. Donnai, J. Clayton-Smith)
WS 8. Complex Genetics (C. van Duijn, C. Janssen)
WS9. Community Genetics (M. Cornel, U. Kristoffersson)
WS10. Legal regulation for genetic testing (M. Macek, Jr., L. Lwoff)
WS11. Chemoprevention and chemotherapy of hereditary cancers (J. Lubinski, J. Burn)
WS12. Molecular Cytogenetics
(J. Vermeesch, J. Veltman)

Download Workshop Programmes (as submitted by the organisers)

CE-IVD solutions from Applied Biosystems

Applied Biosystems Satellite

Applications for Cytogenetics and Genetic Variation Analysis of Human Diseases

Roche-NimbleGen Satellite


16.30 - 17.15Coffee Break

17.15 - 18.45

Concurrent Symposia S09 - S12


S09. Prenatal Diagnosis

S09.1 Prenatal diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias
Sheila Unger, Freiburg, Germany

S09.2 What you see depends on what you look at Genetics - Fetal ultrasound perspectives
Reuven Achiron, Tel Hashomer, Israel

S09.3 Use of aCGH in prenatal diagnosis
Ignatia B. Van den Veyver, Houston, TX, United States

S10. Patient's Associations and Patients' Involvement  in Genetic Research (Joint Session with EMPAG ) 

S10.1 Patients' Organizations' Engagement in War on Rare Genetic Diseases: Scientific Activism and New Forms of Sociality
Vololona Rabeharisoa, Paris France

S10.2 Transitions between research and clinical practice:  families' experiences in a gene-hunting study
Helen Statham, Cambridge, United Kingdom

S10.3 Genetics and mental illness: perceptions of affected individuals and their family members
Jehanine Austin Vancouver Canada

S11. RNA Molecules: Nature, Expression and Sense

S11.1 Mechanisms of miRNA-mediated gene silencing
Elisa Izaurralde, Tuebingen, Germany

S11.2 The hidden layer of noncoding RNA in the epigenetic control of human development and cognition
John S. Mattick, Brisbane, Australia

S11.3 System genetics of non-coding RNA
Lars Steinmetz, Heidelberg, Germany

S12. Systems Genetics

S12.1 What can be learned from a large clinical cohort
Sven Bergmann, Lausanne, Switzerland

S12.2 Human genetics from genes  to complex networks
Ramnik Xavier, Boston, MA, United States

S12.3 Pathway Discovery in Adipocyte Biology Using Epigenomics
Evan Rosen, Boston, MA, United States

Educational Session ES7. Overgrowth and Undergrowth Syndromes

ES7.1 Overgrowth
Pablo Lapunzina, Madrid, Spain

ES7.2 Undergrowth
Anita Rauch



ESHG Congress Party

Full affiliations are available in the ESHG Programme Planner

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