The European Society
of Human Genetics

12th Meeting 2016

NHGS-12, 2016


12th Meeting of the European Human Genetics Societies
Sunday, May 22, 2016, 11.00 - 13.00 hrs
Barcelona - CCIB
Room 211

  1. Welcome and Introduction
    Milan Macek, NHGSs Liaison of ESHG
  2. Self-presentation of the meeting participants

  3. ESHG highlights
    Feliciano Ramos, President of the ESHG

  4. European Board of Medical Genetics: progress in the past year and plans for 2016
    Heather Skirton, Chair of EBMG

  5. DNA Day 2016
    Christophe Cordier, ESHG DNA Day coordinator

  6. Union of European Medical Specialists – Clinical Genetics
    Bela Melegh, Chair of UEMS-Section Human Genetics

  7. ESHG Public and Professional Policy Committee
    Martina C. Cornel, Chair of the PPPC

  8. Education Committee and the ESHG sponsored courses
    Han Brunner, Past-President and Chair Education Committee

  9. Guest presentation 1: European Reference Networks (ERN) and International Federation of Human Genetics Societies (IFHGS)
    Helena Kääriäinen, Helsinki

  10. Guest presentation 2: ERN for Rare Congenital malformations and Intellectual Disability
    Jill-Clayton Smith, Manchester

  11. Guest presentation 3: ERN proposal: GENTURIS (Genetic Tumor Risk syndromes)
    Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Nijmegen

Click on the presentation titles to download a pdf of the Presentation