NHGS-13, 2017
13th Meeting of the European Human Genetics Societies
Sunday, May 28, 2017, 11.00 - 13.00 hrs
Copenhagen - Bellacenter
Room 18+19
- Welcome and Introduction
Milan Macek, NHGSs Liaison of ESHG
- Self-presentation of the meeting participants
- ESHG highlights
Olaf Riess, President of the ESHG - European Board of Medical Genetics (EBMG)
Heather Skirton, Chair of EBMG - DNA Day 2017
Christophe Cordier, ESHG DNA Day coordinator - Union of European Medical Specialists (UEMS) – Clinical Genetics
Bela Melegh, Chair of UEMS-Section Human Genetics - ESHG Public and Professional Policy Committee (PPPC)
Martina C. Cornel, Chair of the PPPC - Education Committee and the ESHG sponsored courses
Han Brunner, Past-President and Chair Education Committee - International Federation of Human Genetics Societies (IFHGS)
Helena Kääriäinen, Helsinki - Guest presentation 1: ERN for Rare Congenital malformations and Intellectual Disability
Jill-Clayton Smith, Manchester - Guest presentation 2: RD-Connect.eu project
Ivo Gut, Barcelona - Guest presentation 3: Recorded interviews with human and medical geneticists
Peter Harper, Cardiff