The European Society
of Human Genetics

13th Meeting 2017

NHGS-13, 2017


13th Meeting of the European Human Genetics Societies
Sunday, May 28, 2017, 11.00 - 13.00 hrs
Copenhagen - Bellacenter 
Room 18+19

  1. Welcome and Introduction
    Milan Macek, NHGSs Liaison of ESHG
  2. Self-presentation of the meeting participants

  3. ESHG highlights
    Olaf Riess, President of the ESHG

  4. European Board of Medical Genetics (EBMG)
    Heather Skirton, Chair of EBMG

  5. DNA Day 2017
    Christophe Cordier, ESHG DNA Day coordinator

  6. Union of European Medical Specialists (UEMS) – Clinical Genetics
    Bela Melegh, Chair of UEMS-Section Human Genetics

  7. ESHG Public and Professional Policy Committee (PPPC)
    Martina C. Cornel, Chair of the PPPC

  8. Education Committee and the ESHG sponsored courses
    Han Brunner, Past-President and Chair Education Committee

  9. International Federation of Human Genetics Societies (IFHGS)
    Helena Kääriäinen, Helsinki

  10. Guest presentation 1: ERN for Rare Congenital malformations and Intellectual Disability
    Jill-Clayton Smith, Manchester

  11. Guest presentation 2: project
    Ivo Gut, Barcelona

  12. Guest presentation 3:  Recorded interviews with human and medical geneticists
    Peter Harper, Cardiff