The European Society
of Human Genetics

5th Meeting 2009

NHGS-5, 2009

Monday 25 May 2009, 11.15 to 13.15
Lounge 7-8, Austria Center Vienna

Please click on the desired presentation to download a pdf.

11.15 Welcome and Introduction
Pier Franco Pignatti, NHGSs Laison
11.20 Self-presentation of the participants
11.30 ESHG highlights
Jean Jacques Cassiman, Vice President
11.40 ESHG future activities
Dian Donnai, President
11.50 Website / Flashletter / Newsletter
Helena Kaariainen, Secretary-General
12.00 (a) How to apply for course organization support.
(b) Double membership in the National HGS and ESHG

Jerome del Picchia, Executive Officer
12.05 EU Council recommendation on European Action in the field of rare diseases: Relation to EU-wide recognition of clinical genetics in Europe
Milan Macek Jr.
12.20 Ad hoc committee for laboratory geneticists
Gunnar Houge, Deputy Secretary-General
12.30 The European Network of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors
Heather Skirton
12.40 Participation in the DNA Day 2009 contest
Celia DeLozier, co-Organizer DNA Day 2009
12.50 Genetic susceptibility testing in common disorders
Martina Cornel, Chair PPPC
12.55 Direct to consumer genetic testing in Europe
Pascal Borry, Center for  Biomedical Ethics and Law, K.U.Leuven
12.50 General Discussion and Conclusions
13.15 End of meeting

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